Kickstarter has been a great way for people to get funding for projects that may not otherwise get off the ground. One such example is the Play Atari Pong in your Coffee Table by Gerardo Orioli. Officially licensed by Atari, this coffee table is a full featured mechanical Pong system. Prices for the system started at $900 for the Super Early Bird of the first 100 backers (including myself), followed by the Early Bird at $1,100 of the next 150 backers and once those are sold out, $1,290 for the next price. Estimated delivery is expected December 2017 which makes for a great Christmas present. Additional items that can be purchased are a pair of Atari labelled seating cubes for $80 and you can even add a coin-op unit for $60.

For only $5000, you can even get a version signed by Mr. Nolan Bushnell, co-founder of Atari, himself. While this seems interesting, $4000 for a signature seems a bit much.

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